What is the framework?

A framework shows your beliefs on the way certain phenomena (concepts or variables) related to a model and the explanation of why you think these variables link with one another. It is a model of the way one makes or theories the logical sense of a relationship among many factors, which consider important to a problem. So, a theoretical framework is a foundation to go forward with the research paper. It involves nothing more other than identifying relationships among different variables. Thus, it is important to know what does a variable means, and it’s different.



Variables are concepts that change or vary in value. Variables are the features of cases. For instance, when a case is a person, its variables could be age, sex, weight, height, feeling, etc. Variables are of the following types:

  • Dependent variable
    • It is the primary interest of researchers. The aim is to predict, understand, or explain its variability.
  • Independent variable
    • The things that are changed by researchers or scientists are known as Independent variables. The influences that Direct Variables have in a negative or positive manner on a variable called Independent variable.
  • Moderating Variable
    • It is noticed that there lies a relationship between the manuals that employees can access and a product that is rejected. When workers follow the methods that laid down in manuals, they can manufacture flawless products.
  • Intervening Variable
    • It surfaces when the independent variable operates for influencing the dependent variable and when its impact felt. Determining variables is significant for any scientific study. A simple mistake in this realm can lead to faulty results.

What are Hypotheses?

The hypothesis is a logical relationship existing two or over two variables. It is expressed as a testable statement. A good hypothesis should have the following features:

  • Should be testable
  • Should be adequate
  • Should be better compared to its rivals

It can be directional and non-directional.

Types of Hypotheses

Following are different hypotheses:

  • Directional Hypotheses
    • It is an indication of the direction of a relationship between the variables (negative/positive).
    • For instance, if the employees experience greater stress in a job, their job satisfaction is lower.
  • Nondirectional Hypotheses
    • These are those hypotheses that do not show any sign of the relationships’ direction between variables.
    • For instance, there lies a relationship between job satisfaction and age.
    • There are differences between the work ethics of Arabian employees and American employees.
  • Null Hypotheses
    • It is a proposition, which states an exact and definitive relationship between the two variables.
  • Alternate Hypotheses
    • It is a statement that expresses a relationship between the two variables, or they show differences between the groups.

Significance of a Testable Hypothesis

To devise and perform an experiment through a scientific method, ensure that the hypotheses are testable. To find it testable, consider some essential criteria that are:

  • There should be a possibility that the hypothesis is true
  • The result of a hypothesis should be reproducible.
  • There should be a possibility that a hypothesis is false.

Without these criteria, the results of a hypothesis shall be vague. Because of this, an experiment shall not prove or disprove something significant. Hence, a hypothesis needs to be testable with any three of the above options proved to right.

​The Framework and Hypothesis Development are the basis of a scientific experiment. However, before doing the experiment, you ensure that you know the concepts of theoretical aspects and hypotheses. The hypothesis should be testable.

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